Courses & Resources

Courage ◦ Empowerment ◦ Action ◦ Growth ◦ Courage ◦ Empowerment ◦ Action ◦ Growth ◦ Courage ◦ Empowerment ◦ Action ◦ Growth ◦

Free Training

Sometimes, just a few words can help to shift your mindset and encourage you to step into your courage. If you need to hear a few words right now and get a mindset rest, hit play to watch one of the training sessions below and apply the knowledge to your life by taking actionable steps and changing your habits for a real transformation. 

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Your negative thoughts are sabotaging your self-trust.

Work/Life Balance Overrated
- Do This Instead!

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I love to deliver interactive workshops and masterclasses. I find them to be a fantastic way to offer value to people on a wider scale that can help both your personal and professional lives. Here are a few that will not only give you a mindset shift but will also share tips and techniques that will help you to expand out of your comfort zone and into your PURPOSE! 

The MasterClass

Why do I Suck At Decision Making?

One of the things that majorly impact your success is your ability to make decisions. There are some decisions we don’t make, like, which are to put in first when you are putting on your jacket. These, I call autopilot decisions. But when it comes to applying for jobs or staying in toxic relationships, we can often find we are not making ‘conscious or logical’ decisions. Sometimes, we just don’t know, how. This MasterClass will help you with that, and provide you with a decision-making model which could be a life-changer for you! 

The MasterClass

What Would You Do If...?

For business owners, and entrepreneurs, your comfort zone is kind of different,  you’ve already stepped out of the status quo. And sometimes, we can mislead ourselves to think, we’re already living outside of our comfort zone…because you’ve already made this massive leap of faith and set up your own business… what is more uncomfortable than that right? This MasterClass is not to teach you about the comfort zone in the general sense. This will literally challenge you to think about where you are now, and how you can move beyond your current position. This will help you to do the thing that you would do if you believed your business couldn’t fail so you can fall in love with your business again and thrive!

The MasterClass

Disrupt Fear

How many times have you dreamt of doing something only to find sudden excuses… ‘reasons’, not to proceed? How. many times have you said, I will do it when I feel more confident?  How many times have you talked yourself out of taking action because you weren’t 100% ready?  Feeling ‘seen’ yet? Truth is, you are not alone! But I tell you what, you cannot step into your dreams by avoiding them. This MasterClass will help you to put your fear behind you by understanding how to hold fear from a position of POWER. So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to step into your courage.

The MasterClass

The Dreaded Imposter

You’re an ambitious high achiever and everyone is always telling you how you’ve done well in your field. Yet, deep down, you feel like a failure. A fake.

This Imposter Syndrome MasterClass helps you understand that it isn’t about searching externally  for answers, but instead, it’s about developing your own internal resources that will blast your self-doubt and boost your self-belief. This MasterClass gives you the tools for your internal toolbox so you can coach yourself to brilliance.

Courage ◦ Empowerment ◦ Action ◦ Growth ◦ Courage ◦ Empowerment ◦ Action ◦ Growth ◦ Courage ◦ Empowerment ◦ Action ◦ Growth ◦


One of the things I love to do is create workbooks that give you another way to receive a mindset shift. I believe in the power of self-coaching and you deserve to have access to tools and techniques to improve your life. Enjoy!

You've been trying to 'Fake it till you make it' but you're ready to drop the façade and be authentically confident. You realise now that confidence is a skill, so now you want to learn how you can be more intentional about developing sustainable self-confidence habits in your life.
I got you! Grab this workbook right here.

KickStart Your Confidence With Self-Love


You want to focus on building your career and making decisions that are aligned with who you are. You just need to figure out what needs to be 'dialed up'! Once you have a little more clarity and you know what you're aspiring to become, you will be ready to SOAR.
This workbook is definitely for you!

S.O.A.R. It's time to recognise your potential


One of the main things that is tripping you up when it comes to transfering your knowledge to help othrs achieve their goals, is not knowing how to structure a course. Now, this. is your opportunity to get the basics right. One less thing on your mind. Stop overthinking. You can totally do this.
I'm here to help you WIN!

Outline Your Course With Confidence


My Definition Of Personal Growth

Intentional and ongoing momentum that leads to a mental, emotional, & spiritual journey, closer to reaching our potential.

JJ The Confidence Coach
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