The 4-Step Value System

Courage ◦ Empowerment ◦ Action ◦ Growth ◦ Courage ◦ Empowerment ◦ Action ◦ Growth ◦ Courage ◦ Empowerment ◦ Action ◦ Growth ◦

So, are you ready to learn foundation of the Sustainable Self-Confidence Formula?

COURAGE is the trigger for almost everything.
When you see people stepping out of their comfort zone and doing amazing things with their life, it’s because they decided to choose themselves and activate 20 seconds of courage to move them from being stuck and surviving to creating momentum and thriving! It all starts with COURAGE.
Next, after stepping into your COURAGE comes a feeling they get that fuels you to take action, that feeling is called EMPOWERMENT. It embodies you and gives you a quiet knowing, but this is also the place where some people get stuck. This 4-Step Value System guides you to reach the next step in the formula using a catalyst method to begin a momentum that leads you to take ACTION.
Action gets you from point A-B, but, continual small actions, driven by your momentum, eventually move you from point B – Point Z. Each time you move forward after taking action, you embark on GROWTH!
And what is growth?
My Definition of Growth: Intentional and ongoing momentum that leads to a mental, emotional, & spiritual journey, closer to reaching our potential.

Each VALUE represents different focus areas that need to be fully explored and embodied by taking physical action. This helps you to develop the mindset required as well as put in place new habits to support the woman you wish to become, based on the goals you have set for yourself. Each focus area builds on each other and supports your journey to developing sustainable self-confidence.

The actual formula breaks down into 12 life categories (each value covers 3 categories).

But everything starts with COURAGE and ends with GROWTH.

Are You Ready To Step Into Your Courage & ReDesign Your Life?

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