Thank You for Booking Your Slot for
'Call a Sista, Fridays'

I'm looking forward to speaking with you.

In the meantime, let me tell you about the call...
This is a call where I hold space for you and offer, real-time advice and support. Each call lasts for 15 minutes and is designed to offer you structured support, emotional release, and actionable advice, or simply just to listen and empathise and remind you that you are powerful, unique and beautiful at a time when you might need that reminder. This service is exclusively for Women from the Global Majority, who are navigating professional challenges due to racial discrimination or trauma in the workplace.

Preparing for the Call

– Pen & Paper: Have a pen and paper ready to jot down any insights or action steps.
– Hydration: Have a glass of water or your favourite coffee by your side.

Download Your Free Call A Sista NoteBook
Here you can download an editable worksheet that you can type directly into, or print off to take notes from what’s discussed during the call.

"You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them." - Maya Angelou.

Our time together is all about YOU, and I want to ensure it is as effective and supportive as possible. Considering these questions ahead of our call will help with that.

Reflective Self-Coaching Questions

Consider these questions to help you focus on what’s most important for our upcoming call:

– Most Important Issue: If you could resolve just one challenge at work right now, what would it be?

– Current Emotional State: What emotions surface when you think about going to work each day?

– Support Needed: What’s one question you’re hoping I can help you answer during our call?

– Desired Emotional State: How would you like to feel after our call?

– Empowerment: What does feeling empowered in your work environment look like to you?

As you wait for our call, repeat these affirmations to instill a sense of power and calm:

– I am in control of my emotions, thoughts, and actions.
– I am deserving of respect, kindness, and opportunities.
– My voice matters, and I will not be silenced.
– I am resilient, strong, and capable of handling any challenge that comes my way.
– I am empowered by my choices and accountable for my actions.

And feel free to try this simple mindfulness exercise to centre yourself:

1. Close your eyes and take a deep breath in through your nose, counting to four.
2. Hold the breath for a count of four.
3. Exhale through your mouth for a count of four.
4. Hold the emptiness for a count of four.
5. Repeat this cycle four times.

This exercise will help you focus, calm your mind, and prepare you for our meaningful conversation.

I look forward to listening and supporting you, See you soon!

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