Slaying the Giant of Disappointment

Slaying the Giant of Disappointment

How To Step Into Your God-Given Authority and Dream Boldly Again

The fear of disappointment has been weaponised against you. You may not know it, but you certainly feel it.

The enemy, who comes to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10), wields that fear of disappointment over you like a double-edged sword. He planted seeds of fear, doubt, and mistrust, hoping they would grow into giants of self-destruction. And the fear of disappointment is one of his most insidious giants.

It starts subtly, disguising itself as wisdom or caution. You tell yourself, “I don’t want to set myself up for failure” or “I’ll just be content with what I have.” At first, it feels like you’re protecting yourself, but over time, this fear shrinks every part of your life without you even realizing it.

And here’s the most dangerous part: You’ve mistaken playing small for humility. You’ve led yourself to believe that by not asking for too much, not dreaming too big, and not “demanding” too much from God, you’re doing the right thing. You think you’re being a good Christian

But living small is not of God. It’s not an act of humility—it’s an emotional giant at play.

I want to help you break through that stronghold today, so keep reading!


It Started Small

The giant we are slaying today is the fear of disappointment. 

At first, disappointment feels like a one-off occurrence: a person lets you down, a prayer goes unanswered, or a dream remains unfulfilled. But when the giant of disappointment takes root, it stops being situational and becomes systematic, shaping how you think, act, and even pray.

I’ve faced this giant more times than I can count. One of the most challenging was coming to terms with a reality I never wanted to face: The fact I will never be able to birth a child. Something I had dreamed about ever since I was one. The fear of disappointment became personalised because it was against myself. My body became the source of disappointment, and I directed my pain toward God. After all I had been through, now this was my portion. I questioned His goodness, His plan, His love. 

Disappointment, when left unchecked, doesn’t just break your heart—it redefines your sense of self. It whispers that you are the problem, that your faith wasn’t enough, or that your dreams were never meant to be. Overcoming that kind of giant took courage, surrender, and faith that felt impossible in the moment. So when I speak to you about this today, know that I’m not sharing theory—I’m sharing from the battle scars of experience. 

I know how powerful this giant is, and I know the destruction it brings.

This giant doesn’t just affect your emotions; it infiltrates every corner of your life:

  • Spiritually: The giant convinces you to pray small, hesitant prayers, boxing God into what feels safe and manageable. It dulls your faith and stops you from asking for “exceedingly abundantly above all” (Ephesians 3:20). Instead, you settle for “just enough,” forgetting that God’s capacity is limitless.
  • Relationally: It lowers your expectations of others. Tired of being let down, you build walls instead of bridges, keeping relationships surface-level to avoid betrayal or rejection. You convince yourself that shallow connections are safer than risking vulnerability.
  • Personally: This giant turns inward and attacks your self-trust. You replay every moment you didn’t follow through, every failed attempt, and every perceived inadequacy. Soon, you start believing you’re not capable of anything greater.

Disappointment doesn’t just affect your present—it limits your future. It whispers lies that keep you from stepping into the fullness of your calling:

  • “Don’t dream too big; you’ll just be disappointed again.”
  • “Don’t trust people; they’ll let you down.”
  • “Don’t even try; you know you’ll fail.”

The giant of disappointment has one goal: to shrink your life, limit your vision, and steal your faith. The impact of this giant feels huge, but it is not invincible! 


The Enemy’s Strategy: Planting Seeds of Destruction

The fear of disappointment is a spiritual battle. The enemy watches us, he knows where we are weakest, and he uses giants like the fear of disappointment to keep us stuck. He plants seeds that he knows will impact us, with the intention of destroying our confidence, calling, and connection to God. He plants the seeds and sits back, watching us nurture the seed he has planted.

But remember this, the enemy only targets what is valuable. If he’s planting seeds in your heart, it’s because he’s terrified of the harvest God has planned for you.

And this is why slaying the giant of disappointment is non-negotiable. You cannot fulfil your Kingdom calling if you’re living small, praying small, and dreaming small.


Disappointment vs. ‘NOW’ Faith

Let’s pause and get real for a moment: how often have you told yourself you were protecting your heart, when in truth, you were limiting God? You called it wisdom, practicality, or even humility. But deep down, it was fear—fear of being let down, fear of failure, fear of trusting too much.

Here’s the thing: God is not glorified by small dreams or small prayers.

He’s not honoured when we play it safe or ask for just enough to get by.

The enemy knows this and uses disappointment to teach us the art of settling—to convince us that dreaming big or believing boldly is too dangerous. But shrinking your expectations doesn’t just limit your life; it reflects a limited version of God’s power to the world around you.

Ephesians 3:20 reminds us of an unshakable truth: God is able to do “exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.” Notice that last part—” according to the power that works in us.” This means that His limitless power is at work in you right now. But when disappointment trains you to lower your expectations, you stop tapping into that power. You pray small, you dream small, and you live small.

Disappointment becomes the voice whispering, “It’s better to settle than to be hurt again.” It convinces you that lowering your standards—whether in life, relationships or even your relationship with God—is the safer route. After all, if you expect less, you won’t be as disappointed when things don’t work out. Right?

But, bold faith requires risk. Faith isn’t about staying in your comfort zone, asking God for only what you think is achievable. Faith is stepping into the unknown, trusting that God is not only able but willing to fulfil His promises. It’s about praying for the impossible and believing that the God who parted the Red Sea, closed the mouths of lions, and raised the dead is still in the miracle business today—and He wants to work through you.

Disappointment may tell you, “Don’t ask too much of God.” But God is saying, “I’m not limited by your past, your circumstances, or your fears. Trust Me.”

The enemy uses disappointment to shrink your vision and keep you in a state of self-preservation. But ‘NOW’ faith—the faith that moves mountains, opens doors, and ushers in breakthroughs—requires action. It requires you to step out of the boat, even when the waves are high. It requires you to trust God’s ability more than your fear of failure. Trust your potential more than your past.

When you settle for small dreams and safe prayers, you’re not just limiting yourself—you’re limiting the reflection of God’s greatness to others. Your willingness to trust Him in the face of disappointment is a testimony to those watching you. Don’t miss the opportunity to show the world a God who is faithful, powerful, and capable of doing exceedingly and abundantly.


Two Faces of the Giant: Others and Ourselves

Disappointment often starts with others:

  • A friend breaks your trust.
  • A relationship ends in betrayal.
  • A church community wounds you instead of covering you.

But over time, the disappointment you feel toward others turns inward. You start to absorb it, creating a dangerous cycle of self-doubt which sounds like…

“I can’t trust myself to follow through.”

“I always trust the wrong people.”

“I always let myself down.”

“I’m not enough.”

“I’m not worthy”

This internalised disappointment leads to self-sabotage. You hold yourself back. And unfortunately, you cannot fulfil your calling if you don’t trust yourself. God has equipped you for the work He’s called you to, but if you don’t believe in that truth, how will you ever show up fully?

Do you see what I mean when I call this giant insidious?


It Will Be Hard To Hear This But…

Living small is not humility—it’s disobedience.

  • It’s disobedience to the calling God has placed on your life.
  • It’s disobedience to the dreams He’s planted in your heart.
  • It’s disobedience to the promises He has made to you in His Word.

Humility is not thinking less of yourself; it’s thinking of yourself less. It’s recognizing that God’s power is made perfect in your weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). True humility doesn’t shrink back; it steps forward with faith, trusting that God’s strength will fill every gap and His power will sustain you.

Living small may feel safe, but it’s not safe. It puts your calling at great risk. You were created to live a life that reflects God’s greatness, not one that hides His glory. True humility honours God by stepping into the purpose He has designed for you, knowing that it’s not about your ability—it’s about His.

Let’s Slay The Giant!

The giant of disappointment doesn’t have the final say over your life—God does.

The enemy may have a strategy to keep you small, but you have access to a far greater power. It’s time to stop letting fear and disappointment derail your prayers, plans, and purpose and start SLAYING! Slaying this giant requires intentionality, faith, and a clear strategy rooted in God’s Word. I’m here to guide you through it, step by step, so you can rise above the lies, reclaim your trust in God and yourself, and walk boldly into the life you were created for.

1. Recognize the Enemy’s Strategy.
The first step in slaying the giant of disappointment is to discern its source. The enemy uses disappointment to separate you from God by shrinking your vision, your faith, and your life, but God uses even your deepest disappointments to refine your faith. Let me say that again, while the enemy uses disappointment to shrink your life, God uses it to refine your faith. Where did I get this from? I got it from ‘The Good Book’… Let this truth settle in your spirit: What the enemy intends for harm, God intends for good. (Genesis 50:20, NKJV). This isn’t just a comforting thought—it’s a call to action. Recognizing that disappointment is a tool the enemy wields against you allows you to reclaim it as a tool for your growth and God’s glory.

2. Replace Lies with Truth.
The enemy whispers lies like, “You’re not enough,” or, “God doesn’t care about your dreams.” Combat these lies with Scripture, because here’s what God says:

    • “I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11 NKJV)
    • “The Lord will perfect that which concerns me.” (Psalm 138:8 NKJV)

Say it again, louder, shout it in your spirit. Now, let’s move on.

 3. Dream and Pray audaciously.
You were created to reflect God’s power and glory, and the purpose for your life was written before you took your first breath. “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you” (Jeremiah 1:5, NKJV). Let that truth settle in your spirit. What creator designs something with the intention for it to fail? None. And God, the ultimate Creator, crafted you with a specific purpose in mind—a purpose so big it scares you, and that’s exactly the point.

The audacious dreams you carry in your heart? They weren’t planted by you; they were planted by God. “Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4, NKJV). These desires are His whispers, inviting you into His grand design for your life. And here’s the truth: He has uniquely equipped YOU, and you alone, to bring them to fruition.

So stop holding back. Challenge yourself to pray for the impossible, dream for the unimaginable, and believe for the miraculous. God isn’t bound by your limitations or your circumstances—so why are you? Refuse to box Him in with timid prayers. Remember, “With God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26, NKJV). Pray bold, dream big, and watch as God exceeds every expectation.

4. Take ‘NOW’ Faith Action

When you decide to take God at His word and step into your faith, it needs to be backed up by your works “Faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead” (James 2:17, NKJV). Trust in God—and in yourself—is solidified not just through belief but through bold, consistent action. It’s not about waiting until you feel ready or when all the conditions align. True faith moves now—in the uncertainty, in the discomfort, in the in-between. 

Start small but start with purpose. Every step you take is a declaration of trust: trust in God’s promises and trust in the person He’s moulding you to become. Action isn’t about perfection; it’s about progression. Whether it’s reaching out for that opportunity you’ve been hesitating on, speaking the truth you’ve been holding back, or simply praying with a heart full of expectation, every step counts.

God’s power shows up in motion. Think of Peter stepping out of the boat onto the waves—he didn’t wait for the water to solidify under his feet. He moved toward Jesus in faith, and the miracle followed his action.

Your ‘NOW’ faith action may look like investing in your growth, committing to a bold new direction, or taking that first uncomfortable step toward healing. Whatever it is, do it with the confidence that God is with you every step of the way. He’s not asking for perfect faith—He’s asking for obedient faith, and you know what He is asking of you. The fact that you are reading this, means you already know someone who was divinely placed in your life to help you achieve your next level. 

Remember, faith isn’t just believing that God can—it’s acting like He will. As it says in Hebrews 11:1 (NKJV), ‘Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.’ Step forward with ‘NOW’ faith, trusting that when you move, God moves too.


Bringing It All Together

The giants in your life don’t get to have the final word—God does. And His word over you is clear: power, victory, and divine purpose. Those giants of fear, disappointment, rejection, and doubt have whispered lies for far too long, convincing you that living small, dreaming small, and praying small is all you’re capable of. But let me remind you—that’s not who you are, and it’s definitely not who God created you to be.

You are a daughter of the Most High, called to walk in Kingdom authority. You were designed for a life that reflects the fullness of His power. The very things the enemy has used to shrink your life are the things God is going to use to expand it. I don’t know about you but when I think of it like that, It makes me feel excited. Doesn’t it make you want to stand up a little taller, breathe a little deeper, and start moving forward? 

Every step you take to reframe your disappointments, dream bigger, and take ‘NOW’ faith action is a step toward reclaiming your God-given identity. It’s no longer about slaying giants—it’s about stepping into your anointing, breaking strongholds, and becoming a light for others to find their way to God, through you.

The giants are never the point—they are a distraction, a smokescreen to keep you from seeing the truth. It‘s never about them; it’s always about you.The enemy trembles at the thought of you stepping into the fullness of who God created you to be: a woman who prays with audacity, dreams with Kingdom-sized purpose, and leads with unapologetic GODfidence. Your calling is greater than their attacks, and your victory was written before the battle even began.

The journey won’t always be comfortable, but you weren’t called to comfort—you were called to greatness. So, it’s time to stand tall, pick up your slingshot, and face the giant head-on. You’re ready for this. 

Go slay that giant!

With purpose and power,

Love you lots!



Self-Coaching Questions

  • Where have I allowed disappointment to shrink my dreams and prayers?
  • What lies about myself, others, or God have I believed because of past disappointments?
  • What step can I take today to rebuild and reflect my trust in God and myself?

Prayer Journal Prompt

What disappointment do you need to let go of so it no longer keeps your thinking small or impacts your calling? Write a prayer surrendering that disappointment to God. Ask Him to heal your heart, replace the pain with His truth, and renew your trust in His promises. Visualise this ‘new’ version of you and embody the emotions, this is you now. Download that ‘Now’ Faith.

A prayer from one giant slayer to another


Father God,

I lift up my sister who has been wrestling with the giant of disappointment. Lord, You see the pain she carries—the broken dreams, the unanswered prayers, the wounds inflicted by others and even by herself. But God, You are the healer, the restorer, the One who makes all things new.

Ignite the flame of hope within her once more. Rekindle the dreams You planted in her heart. Remind her that she is fearfully and wonderfully made, called by You to do great things for Your Kingdom. Teach her to dream bold dreams, to pray bold prayers, and to trust You with every part of her heart.

Lord, break every chain of fear, disappointment, and self-doubt that holds her back. Fill her heart with Your peace and a bold courage, so she may stand firm and never cast away her confidence, trusting in Your promise of reward. Let her walk in her divine Kingdom authority, radiating Your power, love, and grace to everyone she encounters. Father, I ask that she feels Your hand upon her life, steadying and guiding her every step. Remind her that she is never alone, that she is divinely equipped, and that she is unconditionally loved by You. 

In Jesus’ mighty name, amen.

About the Founder

With over two decades of coaching and leading teams, I switched my corporate career in Legal Finance to serve as a Certified and ICF Accredited Integrative Career, Life & Business Coach and Executive Leadership Consultant. I specialize in aligning personal identity and purpose with operating in your calling at the highest level. Together, we’ll uncover what’s holding you back from excelling, remove any emotional giants in your way, and create breakthroughs that ripple across your business, career, and personal growth, so you can step into alignment with your purpose and confidently BE who you’re called to be, DO what you’re called to do, and HAVE the impact, influence, and income that come when you step fully into your calling.

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