All attendees to reflect on their 2024 experiences and identify areas for growth in 2025.
All attendees to write down one specific, measurable goal they will achieve in 2025.
All attendees to identify one daily practice they will commit to doing to stay on track with their goals.
All attendees to identify one habit they will commit to letting go of in 2025.
All attendees to consider joining JJ’s faith and vision boarding session on September 27th.
All attendees to consider joining the waitlist for JJ’s new “Giant Slayer” membership program.
JJ to send out resources and worksheets to attendees, including information on different types of fasting.
JJ to send formal invitations for the faith and vision boarding session.
JJ to provide more details about the “Giant Slayer” membership program as it becomes available.
JJ to organize future workshops and training sessions on the topics discussed.
All attendees to pray over and journal about the questions posed during the workshop.
Rickeal to lean into her new leadership role in the young adult community at her church.
Kay to focus on saturating her mind with Scripture, prayer, and fasting to remove old habits.
JJ to share the replay of the workshop with attendees and those who signed up but couldn’t attend.
JJ to periodically send resources, Scriptures, and prayers to attendees to stay connected.